Saturday, September 19, 2009


Now, this may sound horrid, but I have only been to the symphony ONCE in my life.
Isn't that SAD?
I know. It is.
Anyway, NOW it adds up to TWO, because I went last night, and I had me a FANTASTIC time. A friend of ours has season tickets and gave them to me and Griffin. (They were wonderful seats. Plus, if that huge thing that hangs from the ceiling at the Windspeir dropped, it would NOT kill us because we were out of the way. Yes, I frequently think about things like that.)

Luckily for me, they were doing MOVIE SOUNDTRACKS, which made me super super happy. Plus it was beautiful and amazing and fabulous, and it made me feel epic inside. I now love the symphony very very much.

One part of the symphony that is incredibly wonderful to watch, is the percussionist(s). They sit and sit and sit and sit and sit, and then, when they stand up you know something good is coming, and then they pick up their mallets/drumsticks/whatever they happen to be using, and the rest of the orchestra gets louder and more awesome, and then they hammer frantically on their drum/xylophone/wood block/whatever they happen to be playing, and then... it's all over, and they sit back down again, to wait for the next fabulous climax.

I also enjoyed watching the harpist. The poor woman must have spent YEARS studying harp, and you could hardly hear her over the violins.

Can you tell that I'm bringing in my let's-liberate-the-minor-characters baggage into the symphony? Can you tell that I purposefully went in there DETERMINED to dislike the violins, JUST BECAUSE they get all the attention?

I thought you could. You're SO smart that way.

Yesterday I also rehearsed with Daniel and Brendan, and I was VERY VERY JEALOUS of them because Daniel got to beat Brendan up, and Brendan got to get beaten up, and I didn't get to do either. Although I CAN appreciate how difficult it is to keep a straight face when a) your lines are semi-dirty, b) the other person is yelling at you, and c) your director is laughing. I think I did remarkably well, considering.

Farewell! I must go and learn my lines now. (Haha - of COURSE I'm not REALLY going to go learn my lines - I'm just saying that so you'll think I'm a dedicated person. Although if you know me, you know better.)


  1. Hey, Brendan does not beat me up!
    That's just horrific that you've only been to the symphony twice. I...I...I...don't know what to say. Hey did you know that you can buy Prospero's staff at a hardware store? Any length! *snort* Aren't we mature?

  2. ohmigosh, I ALWAYS think about that thing at the Winspear falling down, THAT IS SO WEIRD.
    I've always wanted to make a dramatic entrance by jumping out of the hole in the middle of it and landing on a trampoline.
    Would'nt that be fun!?

    yeah, I'm crazy.

  3. I've always thought about standing on it and then epicly slashing the wires holding it up with a knife and then surfing it as it crashes down, and somehow as it does that, I'll have saved the world.

  4. Daniel: Oops, sorry, I meant to say that Brendan gets beaten up.

    Josh: That WOULD be awesome. I also spent much of the time wanting that audience space - I have a love affair with audiences sitting in balconies.

    Daniel again: Prospero's staff at ANY store? Wow, you'd've thought something like that would be RARE. And sold in places like the one on White Ave (The Love Spot: the NAUGHTY store for Adults' - as if ANY naughty stores are ever for children.)

  5. Daniel: There. I fixed the beating up error.
